Site Credits

Our Home Page statistical data is gathered from across denominational lines, and has been gleaned from various reliable sources such as Pastor to Pastor, Focus on the Family, Ministries Today, Charisma Magazine, TNT Ministries, Campus Crusade for Christ, The Fuller Institute, George Barna, Pastoral Care Inc. and the Global Pastors Network.

Salt would like to offer its sincere appreciation to the following businesses and individuals who have made the content and presentation of our ministry available through this website.


Crystal Gibson

A talented young lady with a passion for western imagery. Crystal is able to capture that moment in time which reveals the true union between God and the rustic, solitary heart of the inter-mountain cowboy.


RusScapes Art & Photography
Jerry Slagle

Many of the Salmon, Idaho locals fondly refer to their town’s piece of real estate as “The place where God stood when He made the rest of the world.” Jerry truly has the ability to convince you of this through the eye of his camera.



Rawhide Outfitters
John & Cathy Cranney

John and Cathy delight in finding ways to transform the word “rest” into fun and excitement! The big and smiling faces of their guests always seem to be the picture of “joy” by the end of each day’s adventure.


Danner Photography
Royce Danner

Royce get’s extreme satisfaction from the art of making an image. He certainly has a gift at it, evidenced by the quality and essence of the images he captures. A simple glance at his work can’t help but inspire a mood.


Website Creation & Design

TJ Todd

The concept of combining business and effective work for God’s kingdom is the focus of TJ Todd and Studio490. TJ’s heart is in the ministry and his talent is in the business. His servant attitude has enabled our ministry to reach out and meet those who need us, right where they are.